8- Furnished Cabins actual 550 sq. ft. w/2 bedrooms & hide-a-bed in living room - full kitchen
Actual individual cabin instead of a camping shed or a shared duplex. Continental Breakfast - per item charge
6 Great Motel Rooms actual 280 sq. ft. w/1 king or 2 beds - queen & double - kitchenette
***** Rooms larger than our competitor's 1 room duplex cabin with more included amenities & lower rates!!!!! Free continental breakfast!!!
Furnished Motel Suite - 1000 sq. ft. w/3 bedrooms & 3 hide-a-beds in living room - full kitchen
Furnished Motel Suite - actual 560 sq. ft. w/2 bedrooms & 2 hide-a-beds in living room - full kitchen
"FREE" continental breakfast for our motel rooms - Charge per item, per person for Cabins & Suites
* * * * *
***** 40 days in Advance Reservations or No Refund policy deduct $10 - with both deduct $15 total
Off listed rates by request when reserving - ***** Does not include Sturgis Rally and Holidays.
No city sales tax and no bed tax when reserving at Quail's Crossing !!!!!
We offer lower rates for extended stays. More included amenities than all our competitors.
***** Reservation for up to 15 days prior to & after listed open & closing dates,
with 2+ weeks advance reservation and 5 nights minimum at Main Season Rates - NO Discounts
***** For Our Guests an on premise - Laundromat
$3.00 to wash & $3.00 to dry - Price includes: Laundry soap, bleach, Shout & dryer sheet or softener **